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26 Moving and Packing Tips
Get ready for your next move by using these simple tips and tricks! Get organized and your on your way to looking for movers!
Congrats on your new home!
Use these tips and tricks to help you get organized and prepare yourself for a move that will keep your belongings safe and protected. Keeping organized is the hardest part of any move, but by using a few simple tips and tricks you can make a huge difference in this process.
We asked professional packer and organizers their top tips and here we are. Have a read and good luck!

Unsplash / Onur Bahcivancilar
Get rid of everything you don’t need!
As soon as you find out your moving start the elimination process. The fewer things you have to pack, organize and clean the faster you will be able to finish packing, move and get settled into your new home.
There are many avenues to help you clear out you can sell, donate or take items to your nearest dump. So get sorting!

Unsplash / Dan Gold
Clean out your closet! The fastest way to remove things you don’t need and de-clutter is make a trip to your local donation center. You can even schedule pick-ups!
If you haven’t worn that dress in years or that decorative item just isn’t your taste anymore, then donation is a great way to help others while helping yourself.

Unsplash / FancyCrave
There are many ways you can sell items to get ready for a move. Yard sales, online sales, or by using social media you can save time and gain money by using this one trick!
Here are some great sites to help you get selling:
And if you have a facebook:

Unsplash / Andrew Neel
Check out some moving companies!
When looking for a moving company start online and look at company reviews. Gathering information on other customer experiences is one great way to decide if a company is for you. Make sure they will accommodate your moving needs. Call companies. Ask questions. And get a free quote.
Here are some questions that you might want to ask:
Do they offer just unloading or loading? Do they offer a truck? What are their rates? Do they have an hourly minimum? What do they charge for furniture removal? Do they have storage options? What additional charges do they have?

Unsplash / RawPixel
If you only have a small window of needing to move make sure you schedule as far in advance as possible. Dates make a difference. Rates can be different depending on the month or the day of the week. So if you can, BE FLEXIBLE.
Moving companies can get booked quickly especially in the summer months and at the end of each month.
TIP: Some companies offer discounts for using them in slower months or by using them on a weekday versus a weekend

Unsplash / Glenn Carstens-Peters
A to-do list will help you stay organized! Moving can be stressful, make a list as soon as you know your moving to get things done as you go.
Leaving everything until last minute can create chaos and a move that doesn’t go so smoothly.
Break your list down and get a few things done every day or every week.

Burst / Samantha Hurley
FREE BOXES are the best. Here are some options:
-Hit up your local grocery stores
-Liquor stores also have great durable boxes that they are usually willing to give away
–Find a company that offers free boxes with their services

Burst / Sarah Pflug
Look for any boxes that originally held your electronics or equipment.
Things like televisions, computers or any unique item can be difficult to pack and move. The best way to pack these are in the boxes that they came in. This will definitely save you time and is much more convenient.

Unsplash / Sonnie Hiles
Take a some time to make sure everything is in the room that you want it to be packed in. Having things in rooms that don’t belong will make it take longer to pack and to find things when unpacking or looking for a specific item.
Put everything where it goes!

Unsplash / Glenn Carstens-Peters
Before heading to the store, make a list!
Here’s a great checklist to use for your move: https://livability.com/topics/moving/must-have-packing-and-moving-supplies-checklist

Unsplash / Jeshoots
Instead of waiting until last minute,
call ahead and schedule dates to shut
off your utilities!
Forward your mail while your at it!

Burst / Samantha Hurley
If you’re only hiring a company for the big stuff, give your friends and family a call to help you with the boxes.
Friends and families are great packers and movers!

Unsplash / Bench Accounting
Do as much as you can ahead of time!
Anything you can get done and check off your list will be one less thing you have to do come moving day.
Get going

Unsplash/ Manja Benic
There are many things that you can pack ahead to make your life easier. Here’s a few:
-Off season clothing
-Pantry or Food Storage

Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema
When labeling your boxes be as specific as possible.
We recommend labeling with the name of room+contents.
Here are some great labels you can get on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Labels-Bedroom-Fragile-Stickers-Different/dp/B01GJGJLIU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1546570167&sr=8-3&keywords=moving+labels

Flickr / Kevin Dern
Whether you choose to color code or use numbers, any system is great when it comes to knowing what’s in your boxes. A great example is to number each box and create a spreadsheet that contains the contents of that box. This is great if your are not going to be able to unpack immediately. You’ll be able to find exactly what you need!
Here are some labels to help inventory your items: https://www.amazon.com/Shiplies-Consecutive-Inventory-Warehouse-Organizing/dp/B07CHBTCNC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1546570399&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=number+labels&psc=1

Unsplash / Justin Aikin
Use small boxes for heavy items. This tip comes in handy if you are moving yourself. Here’s a few things to put in small boxes:
-Heavy knick-knacks

Burst / Matthew Henry
When taping up your boxes don’t be shy! Make sure you use plenty on the bottom.
We recommend using two strips across the seam and two strips in the other direction. This applies especially for boxes containing heavy items.

Burst / Samantha Hurley
Use plenty of these! You can never be too safe when it comes to your belongings. Protect your items whether your putting them in a box or not.
Packing paper is great for dishes and breakables. Bubble wrap works great for awkward or unique items, and blankets are great for large electronics and furniture.

Unsplash / Jim DiGrilz
Pack your dishes vertically and use plenty of packing paper! This creates less of a chance of getting damaged during your move.

Unsplash / Chariise Kenion
Take off the lid, cover with plastic wrap, and screw lid back on.
This technique is recommended for toiletry bottles, cleaning supplies, and various household liquids. This will help prevent them spilling into your boxes and creating a mess or waste.

Unsplash / Arnel Hasanovic
Pack what you need depending on the length of your move. If you’ll be out of your old home and into your new in the same day, then you are probably okay to pack a day or two worth of clothing and etc.
If you are moving across the country you will need to pack based on that.

Unsplash / Aaron Huber
It’s best to run as low as you can in the grocery department. No one wants to spend a a day packing up groceries when you can just buy them fresh when you get settled in to your new place.
Again, depending on the length of your move you might just end up with a whole bunch of waste. Be careful what you buy and how much when your move is coming up!

Burst / Shopify Partners
Keep any cleaning supplies out that you might need to clean up after you move.
You can skip this part if you are hiring a cleaning company to help you out.

Unsplash / Alexandru Acea
Can’t remember which cord goes where?
This tip is easily forgotten, but can save you loads of time when you get to your new place.
Take pictures of how you have everything plugged in and set-up. This will help you tremendously when trying to set up your equipment in your new home.

Unsplash / Deborah Cortelazzi
Keep the boxes you packed in the room that they belong in.
When they movers pack the truck they will keep them together and make loading them into your new home a breeze!
Hope you found this article helpful! Thanks for reading!
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